“I can't begin to express my gratitude for you answering my call for help. It was clear to me that no one within Brimmer was knowledgeable enough to lead a conversation and you were the only person that I could think of that could navigate such a conversation.

The feedback I received from others confirmed what I, and others, always knew- you are a brilliant educator. Your choice to gather questions as a way to guide the conversation put the students at the center, thus drawing them in and valuing their thoughts. I heard from many that your framing of "Where does the story start" helped put into context the complexity of the politics that exist.

Brimmer's a cross-section of American society and we are bound to have some difficult conversations, but I hope that you have provided some context for the people that came to the learning session.

On a personal note, Coby could not stop talking about how incredible you were and even said that he found your lesson more valuable than what he heard from Temple Emanuel later that afternoon. Additionally, for me, having a friendly face that I knew and trusted brought some relief to me as I work to navigate the fraught role of helping to lead a complex organization, standing up for the Jews in our community, and not marginalizing others in the community. It was also such a pleasure to learn from you one more time.

Thank you for carving out some time, as I know you are being called upon to lead in multiple spheres.”

Joshua Neudel, Head of Upper School, Brimmer and May | October 10, 2023

Everything we do, then, as teachers, has moral overtones. Through dialogue, modeling, the provision of practice, and the attribution of best motive, the one-caring as teacher nurtures the ethical idea.

Nel Noddings